Construction Environmental Management Plans


Mulroy Environmental has gained experience carrying out Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP) in Qatar.

A CEMP demonstrates systems and procedures to ensure that controls are established and maintained to manage potential environmental impacts during the construction of a development. The aim is to minimize pollution, waste generation and other potential environmental impacts. These are most common in the construction sector for large scale projects such as the building of roads, freeways and major development projects.

The services Mulroy Environmental include:

  • Identify the potential negative environmental impacts that can result from the planned construction activities and identify measures to control or avoid these impacts;
  • Outline specific roles and responsibilities of the client to environmental management;
  • List reporting and training, auditing and other procedures required to ensure appropriate site environmental management;
  • Help compliance with local, federal and international legislative regulations and guidelines; and
  • Provide a framework for compliance with Ashgal’s Environmental Protection Management Manual for construction (as per conditions of applicable Environmental Permit(s) and other local laws)
