

Contaminated Land

  • Mulroy Environmental managed a Phase II Site Investigation/Risk Assessment & Remedial Plan of a Petrol Retail Station located in County Westmeath. The investigation works involved drilling 8 boreholes using a Bobcat Window Sampler to assess the degree of contamination of the overburden and the underlying groundwater. Six of these boreholes were installed with groundwater piezometers for groundwater sampling. Residual contamination and a minor groundwater plume were identified on site. The RBCA Model Toolkit Version 2 was utilised to assess the risk to site operatives and an adjacent surface water body. This will be remediated in 2009 by excavation of approximately 500 tonnes of the contaminated material and transfer to a Hazardous Waste Facility (download keynote project summary sheet).
  • Mulroy Environmental managed the compliance with a Section 55 Notice which was issued by Louth C.C. on the 17th July, 2006 regarding a Brownfield Site located in North Drogheda. This land is owned by a client who wishes to develop the property for commercial and industrial usage. The site was originally the location of a limestone quarry which following its end of life was used for the landfilling of domestic waste and inert rubble. Following a risk assessment by a previous consultant, recommendations were made with regard to the safe development of the site (download keynote project summary sheet).
  • Mulroy Environmental managed a Phase II Site Investigation/Risk Assessment & Remedial Plan of a Petrol Retail Station located in County Offaly. The investigation works involved drilling 6 boreholes using a Bobcat Window Sampler to assess the degree of contamination of the overburden and the underlying groundwater. These boreholes were installed with groundwater piezometers for groundwater sampling. A public water abstraction borehole is located to the east of the site with the subject site being within the outer source protection zone. This was remediated by excavation of approximately 1,700 tonnes of the contaminated material and transfer to a Hazardous Waste Facility. In order to determine the impact of historical activities on the underlying aquifer a groundwater monitoring borehole was installed to 46m (i.e. 29m into bedrock) and sampled. The site was remediated successfully and is now being developed into a modern petrol retail site with accompanying shop and restaurants (download keynote project summary sheet).
  • Managed the compliance with a Section 55 Notice which was issued by Louth C.C. regarding a Brownfield site in Dundalk. The site was originally the location of a limestone quarry which following its end of life was used for the landfilling of domestic waste and inert rubble (download keynote project summary sheet).

Waste Licensing & Permitting

  • Mulroy Environmental managed the processing of a successful Waste Permit application for the remediation of a contaminated historical landfill. This site which was formerly a quarry was landfilled over a period of 30 years causing groundwater contamination on site. The project will involve the excavation of approximately 14,000m3 of waste consisting of a mixture of construction and demolition waste and domestic waste. C & D waste will be processed on site using a trommel, crusher and screen and recycled as construction fill material. This material will be assessed for its geotechnical properties to ensure compliance with current NRA standards. The fines segregated by the C & D process will be sampled for laboratory analysis and assessed for contamination and its subsequent suitability for use on site. All municipal waste will be segregated and transferred to a municipal landfill. Hazardous waste will be transferred to a Waste Licensed Facility (download keynote project summary sheet).
  • Mulroy Environmental managed a successful Waste Permit Application for an ‘End-of-Life Vehicle’ Recycling Plant which will de-pollute cars in a dedicated de-pollution area on site prior to transfer to another End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Plant. This site is in a heavily industrialised area and as part of this work 2 dedicated groundwater monitoring wells were installed on site to assess groundwater pollution from on-site and off-site activities (download keynote project summary sheet).
  • Managed the successful application for a waste permit on behalf of Aranmount Ltd. (the client) for an infill/reclamation of a 4.1-hectare site which is located at Drummeenagh, Castlebellingham, County Louth. The site will be infilled by raising the site an average of 1m over its present height and that this 1m of fill would be made up of 0.75m subsoil and a minimum of 0.25m of topsoil. Given a surface area for infilling of 30,369m2, it is estimated that approximately 60,738 tonnes of soil will be required (download keynote project summary sheet).

On-site Wastewater Treatment

  • Mulroy Environmental managed the processing of a successful Discharge Licence Application for a 19-house residential development in Ballindaggin, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. This Discharge Licence Application involves the treatment of wastewater by Submerged Membrane Bioreactor followed by a stratified sand polishing filter after which the treated effluent is discharged to groundwater. A groundwater assessment involving the installation of 2 groundwater monitoring boreholes, pump testing of each borehole and qualitative monitoring was carried out. Planning permission was obtained for this development (download keynote project summary sheet).

Water Abstraction Surveys

  • Managed the processing of Water Abstraction Surveys for a 19-house and a 25-house residential and commercial development in Ballindaggin, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. A borehole was drilled on each site followed by a 72-hour pumping test and groundwater quality monitoring. A yield of 250 gallons/hour and 300 gallons/hour were achieved for the 19-house and 40-house residential developments respectively. Planning permission was obtained for the 19-house development (download keynote project summary sheet).
  • Mulroy Environmental managed the processing of Water Abstraction Surveys for a 14-house and a 30-house residential development in Kilcurry and Faughart, Dundalk, Co. Louth respectively. Boreholes were drilled on each site followed by 7-day pumping tests and groundwater quality monitoring. A yield of 416 gallons/hour and 1200 gallons/hour were achieved for the 30-house and 14-house residential developments respectively. Planning permission was obtained for the 14-house development in Kilcurry (download keynote project summary sheet).

Expert Witness

  •  Padraic Mulroy of Mulroy Environmental acted as an expert witness and provided consultancy to a client who was subject to circuit court proceedings by Louth C.C. regarding the suspected illegal deposition of waste on his farmstead without a waste permit. A site investigation was carried out on behalf of the client following which a Risk Assessment Report was produced by Mulroy Environmental. This report was taken as evidence in court session at Ardee District Court.
  • Mulroy Environmental provided consultancy to the Toome Anti-Power Plant Residential Group and acted as an expert witness at the An Bord Pleanála Oral Hearing which was held in the Nuremore Hotel, Carrickmacross, County Monaghan on the 20th March, 2008. The planning application and environmental impact statement for the proposed power plant were prepared by the Quinn Group. The planning application for the proposed 450MW Power Plant was submitted directly to ABP under the Strategic Infrastructure Development Act, 2006. This work required the review of the soil and water sections of an Environmental Impact Statement prepared for the proposed power plant.

Statutory Applications

  • Mulroy Environmental supervised an ecological assessment to be carried out as part of an external review of SAC designation on a site located in the townland of Cloghaunamallagt located to the southwest of Oranmore, Co. Galway. The survey site is currently designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC No. 0268). The survey work was carried out by Claire Deasy, MRes. (Marine Science); BSc (Applied Ecology). Overall project supervision was provided by Mulroy Environmental.